Complexity, Networks and more …


  • Our work on how collaborators push scientists to switch topics has been selected for a plenary talk at the International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2023) in Copenhagen. Fun collaboration with Sara Venturini, Satyaki Sikdar, Francesco Rinaldi and Francesco Tudisco. The paper is just out on the arXiv.
  • Santo has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (2022), for foundational contributions to the statistical physics of complex networks, and particularly to the study of community detection in networks and applications to social and scientific networks. See Luddy’s release here.
  • Santo has been elected Fellow of the Network Science Society (2022) for seminal work in network community structure leading to advances in multiresolution approaches and validation, and for contributions to disseminating network science. See Luddy’s release here.

PhD Students

Sirag Erkol

Siddharth Patwardhan

Varun Rao


Satyaki Sikdar


Felipe Vaca

Recent Selected Papers