Study finds online interest in sex rises at Christmas, with more births nine months later

World Map Categorized by Sex Search Patterns

First global analysis of human birth-rate cycles reveals that post-holiday 'baby boom' persists across cultures, hemispheres. CNetS PhD student Ian Wood and Professors Luis Rocha and Johan Bollen, in collaboration with Joana Sá, used data science and computational social science methods to demonstrate that "Human Sexual Cycles are Driven by Culture and Match Collective Moods." See full article at IU News and media coverage in many venues such as The Independent, Time, Newsweek, Publico, ScienceDaily,, The National Post, DailyMail, The Hindustan Times, Men's Fitness, Mother Jones, Drive with Yasmeen Khan (at 17:30) (audio of interview), etc. Discussion of the paper was a top trending topic on Reddit. Watch a short video about the research.