New paper in PRL on shortest-path percolation
CNetS Ph.D. student Minsuk Kim and faculty Filippo Radicchi have introduced a new bond-percolation model aimed at describing the consumption, and eventual exhaustion, of resources in transportation networks. Results of this research have been reported in a paper just published in Physical Revi...
Radicchi appointed as Associate Editor for Physical Review E
CNetS faculty Filippo Radicchi assumed the position of Associate Editor at Physical Review E, the flagship journal for Complex Networks and Systems research. Radicchi will handle manuscripts submitted to the journal’s “Networks and Complex Systems” section. See also Luddy's press release and...
CNetS researchers reach finals of the Prosocial Ranking Challenge
We are developing a “bridging” algorithm to rerank social media feeds, aiming to foster civil discussions and appeal to a diverse audience, thus creating a more positive and inclusive online environment. We accomplish this by promoting content that elicits diverse and positive responses while demoti...