The National Science Foundation has awarded a $1.9 million grant through the new AccelNet program to the Indiana University Network Science Institute (IUNI), to build an international exchange program focused on multilayer networks. Santo Fortunato, CNetS member and IUNI Director, is the PI of this award, jointly with Alessandro Vespignani, representing the Northeastern University Network Science Institute (NetSI). The project, AccelNet-MultiNet, will establish strong collaborations with scientists of four European institutions: the University of Barcelona in Spain, the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy, the Central European University in Budapest/Vienna, and the CNRS in Marseille, France. Over the course of five years, 20 researchers from IU and Northeastern University, mostly graduate students, will spend a semester in one of the partner institutions in Europe, and 20 researchers from those institutions will do the same in the U.S. They will work on projects of common interest within the scope of multilayer network science. Read more ...