How To Restart Production Server

1. Log in via SSH as "" and navigate to /l/cnets/www/givealink. 2. At this point you might check the size of the log files. Above the root www dir, there is a GAL_log_backups directory. (/l/cnets/GAL_log_backups/) Back them up to this directory (cp *.log ../../../GAL_log_backups) and remove them (cd log;rm -fr *.log;cd ..), but don't clobber the .svn file in /log! 3. If you have SVN additions, be sure you are in RAILS_ROOT (/l/cnets/www/givealink) then type: "svn up".
  1. If you get an error from svn: svn: Directory 'log/.svn' containing working copy admin area is missing then something has clobbered the .svn file. Do rm -fr log, svn up log, then your regular svn up should work just fine.
4. Be sure you are in the /l/cnets/www/givealink directory and type "mongrel_rails cluster::restart". This will restart the servers. There are 16 of them. NOTE: There are subtle configuration differences between cluster::start/stop and cluster::restart. Learn about them if you have questions:
  1. Mongrel
  2. cluster fix
  3. rolling restart