Setting Up Work Environment

ReCaptcha | BackgroundRB | Development dbase server Set up the tools for the project

  1. SVN location is at " svn+ssh://"
  2. Set up the database
    • In the mysql command line issue, "create database givealink_development"
    • Issue, "CREATE USER 'bmarkine'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'five4fighting';"
    • Issue, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON givealink_development.* TO 'bmarkine'@'localhost'
    • In givealink root for example, "~/Documents/workspace/givealink" on a Mac, issue "rake db:migrate"
    • (Attention: After setting up your local config/database.yml and starting the local mysql, if you get a message like "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid:Mysql::Error:query:not connected: ...", the possible reason may be that MySQL 5.1 client library doesn't work well with Rails 2.2+. The solution is simple: download an older MySQL client library libmySQL.dl: and copy it to your Rubybin folder. I'm sure it works for Ruby 1.8.6+Rails 2.3.4+mysql 5.1.36.)
    • Checklist
      1. Make sure you installed ruby 1.8.7
      2. Make sure you installed gem 1.3.3
      3. Make sure sendmail is running: sendmail start
      4. run gem install rails -v=2.2.2
      5. run gem install bj
      6. run gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/sw/bin/mysql_config
      7. run gem install ruby-recaptcha
      8. run gem install hpricot -v=0.6.164 NOTE: DO NOT install the lastest version, it will not work with current parser!
      9. run gem install mirrored
      10. run gem install authlogic
      11. run gem install ruby-openid authlogic-oid
    • Start the test server
      • script/

Below is older stuff and needs double checking

  1. Follow the tutorialfor installing the base libraries for the following components
    • Ruby
    • RubyGems
    • Ruby on Rails
    • FastCGI
    • You will need MySQL, but this tutorial is OSX specific
    • MySQL Native Bindings
  2. Download and install Eclipse
  3. Open Eclipse and install the following plugins
    1. Aptana plugin
    2. Ruby Development Tools plugin (pick the release version)
    3. Subclipse plugin
  4. Open Eclipse, open the Help drop down and click on Aptana Start Page. In the center column you will see the Aptana Ruby on Rails plugin. Go ahead and install it.

Now it is time to checkout the GiveALink source code

  1. GiveALinkRepository

Or, to check out shared bookmark manager code

Command line: svn co svn+ssh://

In Eclipse, look for the IU_ISI_bookmark_mgr directory

NOTE If you get an error such as "Network connection closed unexpectedly", check Preferences... > Team > SVN. If it says "JavaHL" then switch it to "SVNKit" and see if that solves the problem. If the JavaHL ssh settings are not set correctly on your computer, you can update them, but SVNKit already works and it's an easier fix.