Old Tagging Game

Tagging Game

  • check for user_url_datas. If nil, re-route to "Share". Must have bookmarks in order to play.
  • export results to XML format for use by Flex
  • save thumbshots to database
  • check for thumbshots from dbase before hitting thumbshots.org
  • trap error when player does not select a URL from "Choose" -> i.e., Please choose a URL
  • add code back in for suggesting websites (novelty then sim then random)
  • add "Go Back" functionality in text version of game and change Flex version
  • insure that start and target URLs can never be offered as choices
NOTES Various interesting problems with the game: Need a "Quit/GiveUp" button in the game itself. Flex moves history XML needs to work with the thumbshots method. Target site needs to consider total number of unique user_ids in its triples in order to improve the quality of the associated tags. Flex doesn't get the sessions id, Rails doesn't accept it in the query string Passing authentication using jsessions Maintaining Facebook sessions in Rails Consider the tags associated with this website: http://www.taunton.com/finegardening/ mysql> select triples.tag_id, tags.id, tags.tag from triples, tags where triples.url_id = 781650 and triples.tag_id = tags.id; TAGS: m, fldrs, a-f, r, mag The interesting problem in this game is that there may be obscure tags for the target site. Although we select target sites having at least five tags, as you can see the five tags available are cryptic at best. I suggest we implement a "hint" which returns one or more tags from the target site so that a player doesn't get hopelessly stuck. The hint can cost points. We can have players tag the target site, too. In other words, if you are willing to pay some points, you can tag the target site with something that makes sense. For the duration of the game, though, that tag could be removed as a possible winning tag so that players cannot cheat.